Thursday, February 12, 2015

"STOP", the registration of property titles for electoral effects, in the Region of Himara, without solving the Constitution the right to inherit property.

Albanian Government, in collaboration with the Municipality of Himara, Vlora District and the Office of IPRO in Vlora, has started registration of property in the area of Dhermi.

Since we want to emphasize that this attempt will fail. Residents of Himara, will not join to register their properties inherited from fathers and grandfathers, on behalf of the oligarchy and the Albanian Mafia, connected with the structures of the Albanian state.

This project, conflicts, the OSCE  - EU Project of 2011, for the registration of property titles, in the coastal area, Llogara - Xare 1.5 million euros fund.

One of the funders of this projec, is Greece, which has a direct interest in the progress of the process of registration of property titles, because in this area live around 80% ethnic Greek.

The project of the Albanian Government aims:

1. legalize lands distributed by Law 7501 as in 1992 and 2013.

2. legalize titles to the oligarchs and the Albanian Mafia.

3. To colonize Himara, and to break the ethnic balance between Greeks and Albanians, which can not be tolerated by the UN, OSCE and EU.

4. To register land looted, of the community and the Orthodox Church, on behalf of the Mafia and the oligarchy.

5. In this project are included personalities of the Albanian state that have a direct interest to build tourist villages,, the most powerful oligarchs of Albania, who have under control the media, politicians of all parties, prosecutors and judges who want to teach looted property Himara Region.

6. The project has a powerful effect electoral votes legislated for purchased of voters who have illegally taken land that did not belong to their families, and are selling on the black market.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"STOP", regjistrimit te titujve te pronesise per efekte elektorale, ne Rajonin e Himares, pa u zgjidhur me Kushtetute e drejta e prones se trasheguar.


Qeveria shqiptare, ne bashkepunim me Bashkine e Himares, Qarkun e Vlores si dhe me Zyren e ZRPP ne Vlore, ka filluar regjistrimin e pronave ne zonen kadatsrale Dhermi.

Qe ne villim duam te nenvizojme se kjo perpjekje do te deshtoje. Banoret e Himares, nuk do te bashkoheshin te regjistronin pronat e tyre te trasheguara nga baballaret dhe gjysherit, per llogari te Oligarkeve dhe Mafias Shqiptare, te lidhur me strukturat e larta te Shtetit Sqhiptar.

Ky projekt, bie ndesh me Projektin e OSBE - BE, per regjistrimin e titujve te pronesise ne zonen bregdetare Llogara - Xare me fondin 1,5 milion euro.

Nje prej financuesve te ketij projekti eshte Greqia, e cila ka interesa te drejteperdrehta per mbarevajtjen e procesit te regjistrimit te titujve te pronesise, pasi ne kete zone jetojne rreth 80% greke etnike.

Projekti i Qeverise Shqiptare, ka per synim:

1. Te legjitimoje tokat e shperndare me Ligjin 7501 si ne vitin 1992 dhe ne 2013.

2. Te "Ligjeroje" tituj pronesie per Oligarket dhe Mafian Shqiptare.

3. Te kolonizoje Himaren dhe te prishe balancat etnike mes grekeve dhe shqiptareve, gje qe nuk mund te tolerohet nga OKB, OSBE dhe BE. 

4. Te regjistroje toka te grabitura kullota dhe Livadhe te komunitetit dhe te Kishes Orthodokse, per llogari te mafias dhe oligarkise.

5. Ne kete projekt jane te perfshire personalitete te larta te shtetit shqiptar qe kane interesa te drejtepredrejta per te ndertuar fshatra turistike, , oligarket me te fuqishem te shqiperise, qe kane nenkontroll median, politikane te te gjitha paleve, prokurore dhe gjykates qe duan te ligjerojne prona te rabitura te Rajonit te Himares.

6. Projekti ka efekt te fuqshem elektoral, per te ligjeruar vota te blera prej votuesve te cilet kane mare padrejtesisht toka qe nuk i perkasin familjeve te tyre, dhe po i shesin ne tregun e zi.

Komuniteti Himariot