Sunday, December 14, 2014

"SOT" Newspaper: The billionaire Samir Mane, is supporting by the Rama`s Government to built touristic village in Draleo

"SOT": Rama pact with VIP client of Sali Berisha, Samir Mane, gives tourist village in Dhërmi

Prime Minister Edi Rama abuses and blows up the confidence of one million Albanians account and clan interests of Sali Berisha. The sudden turnaround in relations between government and customer first revival of Sali Berisha, Samir Mane. After intense meetings and flirting with several Cabinet ministers, monopolies man, Samir Mane, has changed "plate" with Prime Minister Edi Rama, taking not only to guarantee the inviolability of corrupt concessions that gave Sali Berisha, but is receiving benefits of other new government.

While 1 million Albanians, primarily, voted to demolish the monopoly mafia of Sali Berisha, the country's new Ptime Minister further positions monopolies dominant symbol in Albania, Samir Mane. What has happened? Prime Rama Samir Mane has given permission to build a resort in Dhërmi. Everything in the service function, is the name, Samir Mane. While Sali Berisha, just before the fall from power, gave Samir Mane, Drymades beach, Prime Rama, in 8 months after the constitution of the new government, gives to Mane, permission to build a resort in Dhërmi, writes the newspaper "SOT".

More see:

Tirana, 11 October 2014

US Republican Congresman of Florida Gus Bilirakis, with represent of the People of  Himara

The Albanian Government orders permission to build tourist villages in Himara Region

 But the Supreme State Audit SAI, claims those decisions as violation of the constitution, without registering property titles

 Recent relations between Albanian Government and The Himara Community in all diaspora, have aggravated after the socialist government of Tirana, with decisions being takes in the name of tourism development, has goals to break the nationalist ethnic and territorial balance, especially after the vote to the New Territorial division, from the Albanian Parliament.

 State Supreme Audit has found violations in 10 cases, but political intervention, makes "exception" to the Himara Region

Tirana. The Albanian government has approved building permit directly from Tirana, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Coastal Agency, excluding any constitutional right of the Administrative Authority of the Municipality of Himara.

In the list appear oligarchs, owner of the most powerful media in Albania, close to the expansionist policies of the Albania Government.

The government of Albania, has blocked by a special law, issuing licenses of building up in 2015, after the Municipal elections in Albania, but nevertheless, Tirana has decided to grant a long time, permission for tourist villages in the Himara Region, by favorizing the legal side oligarch clients themselves.

Meanwhile, the
Supreme State of Audit has found violations in 10 cases, mainly with deficient documentation property after property titles in Himara Region, are not registered yet, but political intervention, makes "exception" to the Himara Region.

 Recent relations between Albanian Government and The Himara Community in all diaspora, have aggravated after the socialist government of Tirana, with decisions being takes in the name of tourism development, has goals to break the nationalist ethnic and territorial balance, especially after the vote to the New Territorial division, from the Albanian Parliament, which unites The Municipalities of Himara with Vranishti.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Starts Occupation "de facto" of Himara Region

Albanian Government provides building permits, starts works on three tourist villages of Himara Region, Draleo
Approval was made by the National Council of Territorial Adjustment of Albania KKRRT, in contrast to the Regional Development Plan of Himara, without ownership titles.............................................

 more see: 

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi
Kryeministri Edi Rama shpërdoron dhe hedh në erë besimin e 1 milion shqiptarëve, për llogari dhe interesa të klaneve të Sali Berishës. Kthesë e befasishme në marrëdhëniet midis qeverisë së rilindjes dhe klientit të parë të Sali Berishës, Samir Mane. Pas takimeve dhe flirtimeve intensive me disa ministra të kabinetit qeveritar, njeriu i monopoleve, Samir Mane, ka ndryshuar “pllakën” me kryeministrin Edi Rama, duke marrë garanci jo vetëm për paprekshmërinë e koncesioneve korruptive që i dha Sali Berisha, por po merr benefite të tjera nga pushteti i ri.
- See more at:

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi
Kryeministri Edi Rama shpërdoron dhe hedh në erë besimin e 1 milion shqiptarëve, për llogari dhe interesa të klaneve të Sali Berishës. Kthesë e befasishme në marrëdhëniet midis qeverisë së rilindjes dhe klientit të parë të Sali Berishës, Samir Mane. Pas takimeve dhe flirtimeve intensive me disa ministra të kabinetit qeveritar, njeriu i monopoleve, Samir Mane, ka ndryshuar “pllakën” me kryeministrin Edi Rama, duke marrë garanci jo vetëm për paprekshmërinë e koncesioneve korruptive që i dha Sali Berisha, por po merr benefite të tjera nga pushteti i ri.
- See more at:

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi
Kryeministri Edi Rama shpërdoron dhe hedh në erë besimin e 1 milion shqiptarëve, për llogari dhe interesa të klaneve të Sali Berishës. Kthesë e befasishme në marrëdhëniet midis qeverisë së rilindjes dhe klientit të parë të Sali Berishës, Samir Mane. Pas takimeve dhe flirtimeve intensive me disa ministra të kabinetit qeveritar, njeriu i monopoleve, Samir Mane, ka ndryshuar “pllakën” me kryeministrin Edi Rama, duke marrë garanci jo vetëm për paprekshmërinë e koncesioneve korruptive që i dha Sali Berisha, por po merr benefite të tjera nga pushteti i ri.
- See more at:
Edi Rama pakt me klientet e Sali Berishes 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"SOT" Newspaper

Berisha gives Dhermi beaches concession, partners connected with his family
Implicated "The Municipality Coucil of Himara, who have approved the decision, given the concession for 25 years the assets of the people of the Himara Region

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Representatives of Himariot Society with Congresmen John Sarbanis with Mayor of Annapolis Mike Pantelides and Chairman of Himarioton Lobby in USA, father Kozmas Karavellas today at Capitol Hill ..
Representatives of Himariot Society with Congresmen John Sarbani dhe our dear friend Mayor of Annapolis Mike Panteli today at Capitol Hill  ..thanks to father Kozma Karavella

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The land in Himara belongs to the people of Himara! Land and property registration NOW!

Himara Organizations Address Letter to EU Ambassador Stefan Fule

June 9, 2014

The Honorable Štefan Füle
European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
200, Rue de la Loi
B - 1049 Brussels (Belgium)

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

We are writing to you on behalf of the 11,000 citizens of Himara, Albania and members of the diaspora.

As the Republic of Albania’s European Union candidacy status decision approaches on June 2014, we wish to bring to your attention the plight of the people of Himara, Albania and their disenfranchisement of their basic human right of property ownership.

Progress in the area of property rights is one of the 12 key priorities the European Commission identified in order for Albania to be considered for candidacy status.  The Commission’s 2012 report found progress has been made towards this priority by the adoption of a comprehensive strategy on property reform. However, we wish to inform you that for the people of the municipality of Himara, any progress on property rights must entail a change in the laws and policies of the Albanian government which currently do not allow for the return of property to Himara’s rightful owners.  Rather those laws and policies are being used by the government to facilitate a land grab of Himara for the benefit of ex-communist party officials and the mafia.

 To date, 23 years since the end of the communist regime, not one Himariotan has yet to receive title to their rightful property.  Rather, their lands are being appropriated, sold to third parties by groups with shady ties, or given as ‘concessions’ to unscrupulous interests and developers. To the people of Himara,   their lands are ‘under attack’, their patrimony is being sold, and they are being marginalized in their historic homeland.

 Albanian Land Law 7501 and its amendments effectively allow for the distribution of only 20% of the land of Himara that was confiscated in 1945 by the previous communist regime. It does not allow for the restitution of the family properties, Orthodox Church property or communal village property that was confiscated. As Himara lies along the Ionian coast of the ‘Albanian Riviera’, the cover of the law is being used to claim the remaining 80% in a land grab of valuable coastal property eyed for touristic development. This has fueled rampant corruption and land conflicts between historic owners and those claiming their land. The perpetrators of this land grab believe that they can act with impunity as there has been limited international monitoring of developments or independent investigation of events.

For 23 years the people of Himara have consistently called for the restitution of all the land that was confiscated by the prior communist regime to the people of Himara.

As Law 7501 has yet to be implemented in Himara or along the Ionian coast to the south, and as accurate property records exist in state hands, this should be a relatively straightforward process to carry out.  True property rights and reform would spur lawful development and growth in an area which has the potential to benefit the country economically as a whole.

We are in support of the Republic of Albania’s European Union ascension and progress on all 12 key priorities, including that of property reform as it applies to the country as a whole.

 We also strongly believe that it is in the best interests of the Republic to hold itself to the high standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its respect for the rights of property ownership. We encourage the European Council to address this issue with the government of Prime Minister Edi Rama and encourage that government to exemplify bold leadership and take decisive steps to implement true property rights in Himara based on the full restitution of property to its rightful owners.

We look forward to the opportunity of discussing this matter with you further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Himarriotan Society of America, Annapolis MD
Himara Community, Tirana Albania
Himara Union, Athens Greece
Shoqata Bregdeti, Tirana Albania
Drymadioton Adelfotita, Athens Greece

- See more at:
The land in Himara belongs to the people of Himara! Land and property registration NOW!

Himara Organizations Address Letter to EU Ambassador Stefan Fule

June 9, 2014

The Honorable Štefan Füle
European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
200, Rue de la Loi
B - 1049 Brussels (Belgium)

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

We are writing to you on behalf of the 11,000 citizens of Himara, Albania and members of the diaspora.

As the Republic of Albania’s European Union candidacy status decision approaches on June 2014, we wish to bring to your attention the plight of the people of Himara, Albania and their disenfranchisement of their basic human right of property ownership.

Progress in the area of property rights is one of the 12 key priorities the European Commission identified in order for Albania to be considered for candidacy status.  The Commission’s 2012 report found progress has been made towards this priority by the adoption of a comprehensive strategy on property reform. However, we wish to inform you that for the people of the municipality of Himara, any progress on property rights must entail a change in the laws and policies of the Albanian government which currently do not allow for the return of property to Himara’s rightful owners.  Rather those laws and policies are being used by the government to facilitate a land grab of Himara for the benefit of ex-communist party officials and the mafia.

 To date, 23 years since the end of the communist regime, not one Himariotan has yet to receive title to their rightful property.  Rather, their lands are being appropriated, sold to third parties by groups with shady ties, or given as ‘concessions’ to unscrupulous interests and developers. To the people of Himara,   their lands are ‘under attack’, their patrimony is being sold, and they are being marginalized in their historic homeland.

 Albanian Land Law 7501 and its amendments effectively allow for the distribution of only 20% of the land of Himara that was confiscated in 1945 by the previous communist regime. It does not allow for the restitution of the family properties, Orthodox Church property or communal village property that was confiscated. As Himara lies along the Ionian coast of the ‘Albanian Riviera’, the cover of the law is being used to claim the remaining 80% in a land grab of valuable coastal property eyed for touristic development. This has fueled rampant corruption and land conflicts between historic owners and those claiming their land. The perpetrators of this land grab believe that they can act with impunity as there has been limited international monitoring of developments or independent investigation of events.

For 23 years the people of Himara have consistently called for the restitution of all the land that was confiscated by the prior communist regime to the people of Himara.

As Law 7501 has yet to be implemented in Himara or along the Ionian coast to the south, and as accurate property records exist in state hands, this should be a relatively straightforward process to carry out.  True property rights and reform would spur lawful development and growth in an area which has the potential to benefit the country economically as a whole.

We are in support of the Republic of Albania’s European Union ascension and progress on all 12 key priorities, including that of property reform as it applies to the country as a whole.

 We also strongly believe that it is in the best interests of the Republic to hold itself to the high standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its respect for the rights of property ownership. We encourage the European Council to address this issue with the government of Prime Minister Edi Rama and encourage that government to exemplify bold leadership and take decisive steps to implement true property rights in Himara based on the full restitution of property to its rightful owners.

We look forward to the opportunity of discussing this matter with you further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Himarriotan Society of America, Annapolis MD
Himara Community, Tirana Albania
Himara Union, Athens Greece
Shoqata Bregdeti, Tirana Albania
Drymadioton Adelfotita, Athens Greece

- See more at:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Edi Rama pakt me klientin e Sali Berishës, Samir Manen, i jep fshat turistik në Dhërmi

Kryeministri Edi Rama shpërdoron dhe hedh në erë besimin e 1 milion shqiptarëve, për llogari dhe interesa të klaneve të Sali Berishës. Kthesë e befasishme në marrëdhëniet midis qeverisë së rilindjes dhe klientit të parë të Sali Berishës, Samir Mane. Pas takimeve dhe flirtimeve intensive me disa ministra të kabinetit qeveritar, njeriu i monopoleve, Samir Mane, ka ndryshuar “pllakën” me kryeministrin Edi Rama, duke marrë garanci jo vetëm për paprekshmërinë e koncesioneve korruptive që i dha Sali Berisha, por po merr benefite të tjera nga pushteti i ri. Ndërsa 1 milion shqiptarë, pikësëpari, votuan për të shembur monopolet mafioze të Sali Berishës, kreministri i ri i vendit blindon më tej pozitat dominuese të simbolit të monopoleve në Shqipëri, Samir Manes. Çfarë ka ndodhur? Kryeministri Edi Rama i ka dhënë Samir Manes një leje për ndërtimin e një fshati turistik në Dhërmi. Gjithçka në funksion dhe shërbim të Samir Manes. Ndërsa Sali Berisha, pak para rrëzimit nga pushteti, i dha Samir Manes plazhin e Dhërmiut, kryeministri Edi Rama, 8 muaj pas konstituimit të qeverisë së re, i jep Manes leje për ndërtimin e një fshati turistik në Dhërmi. Si mos të mjaftonin disa shërbime monopol që i dhuroi Sali Berisha, Mane po zgjeron aktivitetin e tij me firmën e kryeministrit të ri. Kujtojmë se Sali Berisha i dha Samir Manes kasat fiskale, minierat me ACR, Lotarinë Kombëtare, e futi në tregun e telefonisë etj. Nuk dihet se si e ka gëlltitur grupi parlamentar socialist lejen e firmosur për Samir Manen, në kushtet kur Erjon Braçe, Tom Doshi dhe shumë deputetë me forcë, i kanë kërkuar Ramës rishikimin e koncesioneve të Samir Manes që në ditët e para të qeverisjes. Ndërsa deputetët flasin lart e poshtë për shembjen e monopoleve të Sali Berishës dhe anulimin e koncesioneve korruptive që shkretuan xhepat e shqiptarëve, në qeveri po ndodh e kundërta.    Flirtimi me ministrat    Samir Mane, që pas konstituimit të qeverisë së re, nisi të joshë dhe flirtojë me katër ministra të qeverisë “Rama”. Mane intensifikoi kontaktet me katër ministrat në fjalë, duke u ofruar edhe dreka dhe darka, me qëllim që të vijojë të lulëzojë edhe me qeverinë “Rama”. Afrimi i tij me ministrat në fjalë ka turbulluar dhe trazuar ujërat në selinë rozë. Ndërsa pritej një hetim kapilar ndaj pasurisë së tij, ortaku i Sali Berishës nisi të komprometojë një pjesë të kabinetit qeveritar, për të vazhduar të shkretojë shqiptarët. Përpos ministrave, Mane është parë shpesh edhe në shoqërinë e deputetëve, për t’i përdorur si mburojë për të mbrojtur koncesionet e paligjshme që i ka dhënë Sali Berisha.  

Gazeta "SOT".

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Jamarber Malltezi qe prishi ne Jal shtepine e ngritur ne 1923 akuzon K. Kokedhimen