Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The "Coast Line Association" held a rally for properties in Himara
Last Friday, in the center of Himara The Coast Line Association held a rally to protest the 7501 law, not to return people to Himara Region properties.
In the presence of hundreds of protesters, President of the Association, Niko Nesturi, accused Albanian politics, because, for political and electoral interests, is holding hostages in country's development especially at Himara Region.
The issue of property is included in a report classified as problematic by the European Union, for Albania. Especially in Himara Region, people and the Orthodox Church, have demanded the return of property in a legitimate identity.
OSCE has blocked a process of property registration in the Himara Region, waiting to Tirana, set off laws, which must respect human rights for the property.
The Himara Community, has described the issue of property in The Himara Region, as the influence of mafia supported by Albanian politics.
Friday, April 6, 2012
George Goro and Anesti Dhimojani, to "super visit" in Washington next month
Invitation, by the Himara Society, for the governments leaders in The Himara Region
The had of the Himara Municipality, George Goro and the leader of the district of Vlora, Anesti Dhimojani, will be special guests in Washington DC from the Himara Community in USA.
Meetings provided the Congressman and Senators, but also representatives of the Diaspora himarotes, in U.S..
In Focus of Meetings: Local Autonomy, Properties and Governance of the Community`s responsibility.
Himariotes leaders, come to the USA, after a controversial decision of the Albanian government regarding the properties in Albania, which do not meet the criteria of the Himara Community for properties.
Proceedings of the meetings include talks with the senator and congressman, including the head of the American Orthodox Church.,
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Himara Community, supports the initiative of prof. Priamo Bolano
In the anniversary of Aristitel Guma, a symposium will be held for Colonel Spiro Milo in Himara Town
On this anniversary, in November, 100 years filled by Himara request for Great Powers, to not joint to Albania and going to revolt, from its leader Spyros Spiromilios.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to celebrate this Jubilee, by organizing a symposium session or scientific about this topic. As with the appropriate date August 12, anniversary of the assassination of Aristotle Gumes.
Exactly, 100 years ago, Colonel Spiro Milo, objected to the Greek Prime Minister, Eleftheros Venizelos, who was in charge of the great powers to recognize the autonomy of Albania, asked to be quiet himariotes weapons, and to join the Albanian territory.
But Spiro Milo, objected to the decision of Athens, and after the proclamation of Albania, began the great revolt of Himara in November 1912, which followed the efforts that, after the great powers, recognized the Protocol of Corfu.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I nderuar Nenkryetar i Bashkise Himare
z. Irakli Gjicali
Po u njoftoj se perpjekjet qe behen ne emer te "Komunitetit Himariot", per te parashtruar nje kerkese zyrtare per propozim te Bashkise Himare lidhur me "Enciklopedine e Himares", nuk ekziston.
Asnje dokument nuk mund ta provoje kete propozim. Ne nuk njohim asnje propozim, qofte ky lektronik.
Komuniteti Himariot, ka nje perfaqesues ligjor dhe i ka bllokuar te gjitha evenimentet, derisa te sqarohen rrethana te cilat bien ndesh me statutin e saj.
Ky dokument do tju vije edhe ne rruge zyrtare, i vulosur sa me shpejt te jete e mundur.
Stavri Marko
Drejtor Elzekutiv i Komunitetit Himariot
Te nderuar antare te Club Himara.Duke qene se diskutimi i emblemes te Bashkise Himare, kohet e fundit ka marre
permasa me te gjera, pamvaresisht se ajo eshte shtruar perpara te gjithe
faktoreve para 3-4 muajve dhe per te jane dhene 72 propozime ne forme variantesh
te ndryshme, gjithashtu duke qene se nga Keshilli bashkiak, nuk ka vendim
konkret dhe mendimet, propozimet, variantet jane ende te shumta, sefundi duke
marre edhe mendimin e disa shoqatave ku perfshihet edhe Club Himara, Une me
cilesin e Kryetarit te Komisionit ne Bashki, motivuar edhe nga sygjerimet e bera
per kete ceshtje, kam kerkuar nga Kryetari i Bashkise dhe Kryetari i Keshillit
bashkiak dhe eshte pranuar prej tyre qe :
1- Te shtyhet ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Bashkiak te muajit Maj 2012, ceshtja per
shqyrtimin e emblemes te Bashkise Himare.
2- Te publikohen 72 variantet e emblemes te bashkise te propozuara deri tani si
dhe ato qe do te propozohen deri me daten 20 Prill 2012 ne faqen zyrtare te
Bashkise Himare ose ne site te tjera interneti me qellim qe ti nenshtrohen
vleresimit dhe reagimit te publikut,te vete shoqatave, te grupeve te ndryshme
etj te cilet do te japin mendimet e tyre deri me daten 30 Prill 2012, afati me i
fundit i ketij procesi.
3- Komisioni i ngritur prane Bashkise Himare prej 5 vete do te beje te gjithe
procedurat e mesiperme dhe do te paraqese nje materjal per kete
4- Keshilli bashkiak do te ngreje nje komision prej 5 vete ne te cilen do te
bejne pjese 1 keshilltar nga partit e kualicionit te djathte, 1 keshilltar nga
partit e te majtes, 1 nga PBDNJ, 1 person nga shoqeria civile dhe 1 nga
Komisioni i Bashkise Himare.Ky komision do te marre ne shqyrtim te gjitha
variantet e propozuara dhe do te paraqiten ne Keshillin bashkiak tri variantet
me te mira per tu miratuar vetem nje.
Une besoj se kjo platforme eshte eficente dhe do te jet e pranueshme nga te
gjithe, pa menduar se mund te kete keqkuptime.Nga ana tjeter besoj se kjo
procedure eshte me transparente.
Lutem qe variantet qe do te sillen te hidhen ne gjendjen teknike te mundeshme
per tu mbartur ne faqen perkatese dhe te kuptueshme.
Ne perfundim JU Pershendes dhe mirepres propozimet tuaja.
Me respekte, IRAKLI GJICALI.
The Himara Community, and "Coast Association" against the Albanian Ombudsman
Both associations, are not included in the Agreement between Albania and NGO Advocate
The Himara Community, and "Coast Association, oppose Agreement Albanian People's Advocate, with non-governmental organizations that protect human rights because they are not invited to this meeting.
The Himara Community, and "Coast Association" are two non-governmental organizations, with a wide activity in the protection of human rights and private property, especially in the Ionian Coast of Albania and exclusively in the Himara Region.
Below we give them notice by the Office of the Ombudsman of Albania.
Ombudsman and Civil Society organizations sign cooperation agreements
Tirana on 03.04.2012
People's Advocate has today signed a Cooperation Agreement dt.03.04.2012 with Civil Society organizations.
The cooperation agreement between the Ombudsman and Civil Society organizations have broad areas of cooperation and for the size and goals intended to be the first of its kind in the history of the Albanian transition.
Attending this important event; z.Ettore Sequi, Head of EU Delegation in Tirana, Mr.. Eugen Wollfarth, OSCE Ambassador in Tirana, Mrs.. Deborah Jons, deputy ambassador of the United States of America and Mr. Marc Leiddeker, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, have considered this very important agreement of cooperation for democracy and protecting human rights.
The Himara Union of Greece, seeking explanations from the Municipality for properties
Albanian constructors mentioned as "occupiers" in Himara lands, for which no one knows who has given a construction permit in Yale Dhrymades and Llogora.
The Himara Union of Greece, following the statements of "Coast Association" and the Himara Community, for the property
Through a press release, The Himara Union of Greece, has requested to The Himara Municipality, to provide arguments, in connection with properties of 150 families himariots, which are not represented by the Municipality, in a court session.
At the time, the absence of the Municipality, to put in the place the bust of Aristotle Guma, in a square of Himara, has caused great tenssions from members of this community.
Meanwhile, in a statement, mentioning the name of Alban Xhillari as "occupiers" of Jali, Drymades and finally in the Llogora, for which the Municipality, has been silent and has not stopped construction giant that made by his company.
The statement mentions an escalation critiquing the activity of the Himara Municipality, if not given explanations about their plight.
Anyway, The Himara Union of Greece, following the statements of "Coast Association" and the "Himara Community", for the property of the Himara Region.
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