"SOT" Newspaper: The billionaire Samir Mane, is supporting by the Rama`s Government to built touristic village in Draleo
"SOT": Rama pact with VIP client of Sali Berisha, Samir Mane, gives tourist village in Dhërmi
Prime Minister Edi Rama abuses and blows up the confidence of one
million Albanians account and clan interests of Sali Berisha. The sudden
turnaround in relations between government and customer first revival
of Sali Berisha, Samir Mane. After intense meetings and flirting with
several Cabinet ministers, monopolies man, Samir Mane, has changed
"plate" with Prime Minister Edi Rama, taking not only to guarantee the
inviolability of corrupt concessions that gave Sali Berisha, but is
receiving benefits of other new government.
While 1 million Albanians, primarily, voted to demolish the monopoly
mafia of Sali Berisha, the country's new Ptime Minister further
positions monopolies dominant symbol in Albania, Samir Mane. What has
happened? Prime Rama Samir Mane has given permission to build a resort
in Dhërmi. Everything in the service function, is the name, Samir Mane.
While Sali Berisha, just before the fall from power, gave Samir Mane,
Drymades beach, Prime Rama, in 8 months after the constitution of the
new government, gives to Mane, permission to build a resort in Dhërmi,
writes the newspaper "SOT".
More see:
Edi Rama shpërdoron dhe hedh në erë besimin e 1 milion shqiptarëve, për
llogari dhe interesa të klaneve të Sali Berishës. Kthesë e befasishme
në marrëdhëniet midis qeverisë së rilindjes dhe klientit të parë të Sali
Berishës, Samir Mane. Pas takimeve dhe flirtimeve intensive me disa
ministra të kabinetit qeveritar, njeriu i monopoleve, Samir Mane, ka
ndryshuar “pllakën” me kryeministrin Edi Rama, duke marrë garanci jo
vetëm për paprekshmërinë e koncesioneve korruptive që i dha Sali
Berisha, por po merr benefite të tjera nga pushteti i ri.