Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Telegraph newspaper: The issue of Himara Region properties, is returning an International Matter

Communities of Himara in Diaspora, USA, Albania and Greece, is increasing the interest of the Himara Properties issue as an international matter, raising protests in State Department, in the Council of Europe and the European Commission

Tirana. The newspaper "Telegraph" of Tirana, has devoted the main article, a complaint of the Himara Community in USA, led U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.S. Ambassador in Tirana Alex Arvizi, to intervene energetically near the Albanian government for the return of the all assets and property of the citizens with origin from Himara, with American citizenship.

The Himara Community simultaneously in Albania and Greece, organized the petition in social networking, run The Council of Europe and the European Union to resolve this property in the Himara Region.

Concern according to the Newspaper "The Telegraph" lies the fact that their properties are occupied by the offices of registration decisions and laws based Communist Law, No: 7501, which gives the right only 20% of the community to enjoy ownership.

Protests of the Himara Diaspora Communities, addressed a series of complaints against government Rama, who had promised during the electoral campaign return of properties to legitimate owners of Himara, but evidence suggests that the socialist government led by Edi Rama, making demagogy, is making otherwise, recognizing ownership by law no. 7501.

While waiting for the response from the U.S. embassy in Tirana, information say that Washington will send a prosecutor to investigate the properties of The Himara Region.